Payments to MSMEs vis-a-vis Section 43B(h) of the
Income-tax Act, 1961
CA V.K. Subramani
Presently the hot topic of discussion is about the payment
for MSMEs before 31st March, 2024 and the tax consequence of such non-payment.
Clause (h) to section 43B was inserted by the Finance Act, 2023 and would be
applicable for the assessment year 2024-25 onwards. Non-payment of dues within
the specified time and which is outstanding as at 31st March of every previous
year would be liable for disallowance which means it would be treated as
taxable income of the taxpayer.
The first test in this regard is to check whether the
expenditures and payments for purchases, are due to the enterprises engaged in
production or manufacture of goods specified in First Schedule to Industries
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1951. If not, the provisions of MSMED Act,
2006 and section 43B(h), would not be applicable. [Note: In the case of
service, provision of any service after getting registered under MSMED Act,
2006 would enable the service provider to realise his dues well within time.]
If the answer to first test is in the affirmative, the
second test is to know whether it is a micro or small enterprise in terms of
MSMED Act, 2006. If not, section 43B(h) would not apply. Similarly, if the
payee is engaged in trading activity the provisions of section 43B(h) would not
Assuming that the preceding test is also answered in the
affirmative viz. engaged in manufacture or production of goods specified in
First Schedule of the said Act and it is a micro or small enterprise, the
subsequent test would be to know the 'due date' for payment for the purchase or
expenditure. It could be 15 days or where there is agreement up to 45 days. The
disallowance is in respect of the payables outstanding as on 31st March of the
previous year and which are outstanding beyond the time limit referred earlier.
In case of products marketed in buyers' market, while
expenditure by way of payments to MSMEs is governed by section 43B(h), the
units registered under MSMED Act have to face lesser market response (by way of
orders) in view of rigid timelines prescribed for payments.