CMV01190400 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Receipt of prize money from a private trust as an Award for Excellence in Journalism |
CMV01190300 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Receipt of advance against depreciation |
CMV01190200 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Forfeiture of money on cancellation of contract |
CMV01190100 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Amount received as a result of legacy conferred by will |
CMV01190000 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Consideration received for transfer of business |
CMV01189900 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Incentive in form of sales tax waiver/deferment |
CMV01189800 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Lease equalization charges |
CMV01189700 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Corpus fund received by assessee-subsidiary from its holding company due to directives of SEBI |
CMV01189600 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Subvention assistance by holding company for recouping of losses |
CMV01189500 | Section 4 - Capital or Revenue Receipt - Miscellaneous Receipts - Carbon credit entitlement |