Circulars, Notifications, etc.

PR13022025Press Release, dtd. 13-2-2025 - Executive Summary on the Comprehensive Simplification of the Income-tax Act,1961 Dated: 13-Feb-2025
ITNOTI_017Notification No. 16/2025/F. No. 300195/31/2024-ITA-I - By the powers conferred by sub-clause (b) of clause (46A) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies the Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Punjab (PAN: AAAJR1281N) (hereinafter referred to as “the assessee”), an authority constituted under The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. Dated: 12-Feb-2025
ITNOTI_016Notification No. 15/2025/F. No. 203/27/2024/ITA-II - By the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Incometax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) read with Rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, the Central Government hereby approves ‘Bhaikaka University’ Anand, Gujarat (PAN: AAGAB9280N) for ‘Scientific Research’ under the category of ‘University, college or other institution’. Dated: 10-Feb-2025
ITNOTI_015Notification No. 14/2025/F. No. 370142/2/2025-TPL - By the powers conferred by section 285 read with section 295 of the Incometax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), hereby makes the following amendments in the Income-tax Rules, 1962. Dated: 07-Feb-2025
ITNOTI_014Notification No. 13/2025/F. No.370142/9/2024-TPL - Notification regarding amendments brought in the Income-tax Rules, 1962 Dated: 07-Feb-2025
ITNOTI_013Notification No. 12/2025/F. No. 225/235/2024/ITA-II - Notification regarding specifying, ‘Joint Secretary to Government of India, Department of Food and Public Distribution (DFPD), Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution’ for the purposes of the said clause in connection with sharing of information regarding Income-tax payers’ for identifying eligible beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY). Dated: 30-Jan-2025
ITNOTI_012Notification No. 11/2025/F. No. 203/24/2024/ITA-II - By the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) read with Rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, the Central Government hereby approves ‘Shri Chaitanya Health and Care Trust’ (PAN:AABTS6166N) for its unit ‘Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute’, Thane, Maharashtra, for ‘Scientific Research’ under the category of ‘University, College or other institution’. Dated: 27-Jan-2025
ITNOTI_011Notification No. 10/2025/F. No.370142/26/2024-TPL - By the the powers conferred by section 295 read with sub-item (b) of item (I) of subclause (i) of clause (c) of the Explanation to clause (4D), sub-item (iv) of item (II) of sub-clause (A) of clause (b) of the Explanation to clause (23FB) of section 10 and clause (iv) of sub-section (5) of section 94B of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income tax Rules, 1962. Dated: 27-Jan-2025
TR_Stat5030Press Release, dtd. 21-1-2025 - CBDT Notifies Amendments in Income Tax Rules, 1962 to Prescribe Conditions for Applicability of Presumptive Taxation Regime Under Section 44BBC for Non-Resident Cruise Ship Operators Dated: 21-Jan-2025
TR_Stat5027Circular No. 01/2025 (F. No. 500/05/2020/FT&TR-II) - Guidance for Application of the Principal Purpose Test (PPT) under India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements Dated: 21-Jan-2025
