Orders, Press Release, etc.

CGST Orders
CGST Instruction
Press Note
Press Release
Goa_614Order No. CCT/26-2/2024-25/3280, dt. 22-10-2024
Seeks to divide State into wards for implementation of provision of Goa Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 - dt.2024-10-22
GSTPR_138Recommendations of 54th GST Council Meeting
54th GST Council Meeting - dt.2024-09-09
CGSTI_23Applying Para 2(g) of Instruction No. 01/2023-24-GST (Iiiv.) dt. 30-3-2024 in Audit Matters, Reg.
Instruction No. 03/2024 - dt.2024-08-14
CGSTI_22Guidelines for Second Special All-India Drive Against Fake Registrations, Regarding
Instruction No. 02/2024-GST - dt.2024-08-12
GSTPR_137Recommendations of 53rd GST Council Meeting
53rd GST Council Meeting - dt.2024-06-22
Goa_601Order No. CCT/26-2/2024-25/82/993, dt. 13-06-2024
Seeks to specify jurisdiction of Appellate Authority - dt.2024-06-13
AS_582Order No. 1/2024-GST, dt. 10-06-2024
Seeks to modify order No. 1/2021, dt. 02-01-2021 - dt.2024-06-10
CGSTI_21Guidelines for Initiation of Recovery Proceedings before Three Months from the Date of Service of Demand Order, Regarding
Instruction No. 01/2024-GST - dt.2024-05-30
CGSTI_20Guidelines for CGST field formations in maintaining ease of doing business while engaging in investigation with regular taxpayers - reg.
Instruction No. 01/2023-24-[GST-INV] - dt.2024-03-30
Goa_594Order No. CCT/26-4/2023-24/3627, dt. 25-01-2024
Seeks to authorise Dy.Commissioner of State Tax (GST), to exercise powers to provide approval for conducting physical verification of place of business before granting registration - dt.2024-01-25
