The Tax Publishers2020 TaxPub(DT) 0587 (Del-Trib) : (2020) 077 ITR (Trib) 0303 INCOME TAX ACT, 1961
Section 254
Since tax effect in this appeal filed by Revenue was undisputedly below Rs. 50 lacs and thus keeping in view CBDT Circular No. 17/2019 dt. 08/08/2019, appeal filed by Revenue was dismissed due to low tax effect involved in this appeal which was below Rs. 50 lacs, therefore, appeal filed by Revenue was dismissed.
Appeal (Tribunal) - Maintainability of appeal - Monetary limit -
Appeal filed by the Revenue was disposed of because the tax effect in the appeal was less than Rs. 50 lacs as per the CBDT Circular No. Circular No. 17/2019 dt. 08/08/2019) issued by Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India and this appeal of Revenue was also not covered by any of exceptions as notified by CBDT circular. Held: Tax effect in this appeal filed by Revenue was undisputedly below Rs. 50 lacs and thus keeping in view CBDT Circular No. 17/2019 dt. 08/08/2019, appeal filed by Revenue was dismissed due to low tax effect involved in this appeal which is below Rs. 50 lacs. Moreover, it was not also brought to notice that this appeal was covered by any of the exceptions to said circular as notified by CBDT. Thus, appeal filed by Revenue was dismissed.
FAVOUR : Against the revenue
A.Y. :